Other Ways to Give
A legacy for your loved one
Honor your family, friends and loved ones by making a donation to Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation in their honor or memory. Your generous, tax-deductible gift provides needed services to people who are blind or visually impaired to help them be independent.
When you make a contribution in honor of your loved one, they will receive a beautiful card sent by email or by postal mail about the gift made in their name. You can personalize the card with the recipient’s name and for different occasions.
There are a variety of life's special moments where a contribution to Bosma Visionary Opportunities brings special honor to your loved one:
- Memorials and bequests
- Birthdays
- Holidays
- Celebrations
- Milestones and achievements
- Anytime, in honor of someone special
For gifts made in memory of a loved one, you will receive a letter listing the contributions made in memory. You may include the following in the obituary for gifts to the Foundation :
In lieu of flowers, gifts can be made to Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation to support services for people facing the challenges of vision loss in Indiana.
Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation
6270 Corporate Drive
Indianapolis, Indiana 46278
The power of planned giving
Planned gifts provide critical support to the Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation. In turn, these gifts financially aid the Bosma Center for Visionary Solutions to provide programs that bring hope and independence to the people we serve. A planned gift, as part of an overall estate plan, takes your needs and those of your loved ones into consideration while helping to support a cause that is personally meaningful to you.
A legacy gift allows you to maintain assets during your lifetime while providing valuable estate planning and tax advantages. Some options can even provide you with income. When you start your legacy gift to Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation, your impact on Hoosiers who are blind never ends.
Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation can help you secure your personal legacy. We will employ the smartest and most up-to-date strategies in planning how you will be remembered.
We will work with your financial, tax and legal advisors but we are unable to provide financial, tax or legal advice, as each individual’s situation is unique.
Gift Options
How you can direct your gift
Name Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation as the recipient of a charitable gift in your will or living trust. You may contribute a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or the residual of your estate.
Life insurance policies you own enable you to name a charitable beneficiary. Designate Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation as the full or partial beneficiary on the required beneficiary form.
Name Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation as the beneficiary of retirement funds held in your IRA, 401(k) or 403(b) to add to or establish a charitable fund. This is a simple and effective way to create your legacy since it will not be subject to either estate or income taxes.
Guarantee income for life and an immediate charitable income tax deduction when you support The Foundation with a gift annuity. You make an irrevocable gift to Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation, and the Foundation pays a fixed dollar amount to you and one other person (if you choose).
By transferring assets to establish a charitable remainder trust, you receive an immediate tax deduction and lifetime income for you and your named beneficiary. Charitable remainder trusts offer a great deal of flexibility.
Distribute income to Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation from your charitable fund for a period of years or during your lifetime. Then the remaining assets return to you or your surviving family members. The result is gift and estate tax savings.
Planned Giving Society
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Planned Giving Society, contact us at 866.602.6762 or fill out the form below.