Our Stories
Changing lives today
There are hundreds of stories of the lives changed by the programs offered through the Bosma Center for Visionary Solutions. Here are just a few of those stories. Every gift made has changed lives. Thank you for your support of Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation.

Dan's Story
Dan is a former student in the Student Training and Employment Program and is now working towards his associates degree.
Ory's Story
Ory was 30 when he woke up feeling a little off, and then passed out. The next thing he knew, he was in ICU and woke up totally blind.

Joel's Story
Joel is a graduate of Bosma’s Rehabilitation and Business Enterprise Programs and new business owner of Vision 2.0 Vending.

Linda's Story
Linda has genetic-grade glaucoma with no sight in her right eye and diminishing sight in the left, yet she sees the world so clearly.
Caleb's Story
At age 21, Caleb's vision started to decline quickly. He had to make some life decisions, knowing some of his life goals.

Rhonda's Story
In just 10 days, Rhonda lost her vision. She didn't know where she would turn or how life could continue. She found Bosma and realized there is life after vision loss.

Chris' Story
Chris was an attorney and enjoyed time with his family outdoors. As he played golf one day, he realized he couldn't see the ball. After a visit to the doctor, he found out he was losing his vision.

Mark's Story
When Mark was told he was losing his vision, one of the biggest things he lost was hope. When he found Bosma and went through vision rehabilitation, he realized life doesn't end with blindness and he found hope again.

Ray's Story
Ray lost his vision through a random act of violence at 17 years old. He didn't let that stop him. He went on to graduate college and began his job search. Without much luck, he struggled to find work until he found Bosma. There he got an opportunity. He has worked his way from production to the marketing team.