Counterfeit Products in the Market
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a high demand for reputable personal protective equipment (PPE). This situation has caused an influx of poor quality and/or counterfeit products to enter the market.
Your safety is important to us. The only way to ensure the authenticity of the Bosma products you have come to know and trust is to purchase our products directly from Bosma Enterprises or through your well-established authorized distributors. Products purchased through any other distribution channel have not been authorized for sale by Bosma Enterprises and may be counterfeit.
Please contact our Customer Care Department at 800.362.5463 should you have any questions.
Business Operations Update
Bosma Enterprises continues to monitor and respond to the COVID-19 situation with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) along with state and county health departments.
Product fulfillment and contract packaging operations – including ordering, packing and shipping of medical and health/safety products – remain open to ensure our veterans and health care professionals are served and protected.
The safety of our employees is paramount as we navigate this time. Throughout the crisis, we have taken major steps to keep them safe and healthy and continue to adjust based on changing federal and state government guidelines.
As of today, glove volumes are at normal stocking levels and we are continuing to process and ship orders without interruption.