The Measure of Success

Major life events often measure success…graduations, job advancements, raises, but to Evelyn Sue Bough, success means getting back into her own kitchen and her own life.
Evelyn Sue was diagnosed with macular degeneration in 2009, a highly hereditary condition that cost her father his vision. She currently has 20/40 vision in one eye, virtually no vision in the other and regularly receives shots in both eyes to slow her vision loss.
She worked as a bookkeeper for her daughter’s business until COVID hit and, at age 72, she and her daughter, MaryAnn, agreed it was time to retire. Evelyn Sue and her husband, Gail, packed up the camper and spent the next year blissfully isolated at a campground.
She still could see, but her loss of peripheral vision made some activities a challenge. During a bike outing with her husband, she didn’t see a tree root and as she put it,
“I met a tree and the tree won.”
Evelyn suffered several pelvic fractures and ruptured discs. Coupled with ongoing heart issues that concluded in surgery, her once-active life came to a standstill.
“It seemed like all I was capable of was watching television. Gail had to cook our meals. He had to do all the heavy lifting. I had lost my independence and was miserable. I realized I was depressed and knew I had to do something,” she said.
It was during a visit to IU Optometry that Evelyn Sue first heard about Bosma’s In-Home Rehabilitation Program. It sounded interesting, but she was a little reluctant at first. Finally, she made the call and that’s when she met Amy, a trained rehabilitation teacher.
Evelyn Sue described how nervous she was the first time Amy came to the house. “I had no idea what to expect and then this ‘little bundle of Amy’ came up the stairs and immediately put me at ease.”
“She told Gail and me about Bosma and showed us some neat devices and skills to make getting around the house and my kitchen doable. She knew I was depressed about losing my independence and introduced me to so many possibilities.”
“With Amy’s help, we reorganized our kitchen so I can navigate it again. I can even slice a potato! After her first visit, I cooked a meal for Gail and did pretty well.”
“I was always active and now, with modifications that Amy showed me for my walking sticks, I’m back walking at the YMCA. I do water aerobics twice a week. I’m comfortable in my own home. It feels good.”
“My husband and I are just average, retired senior citizens living on a limited budget. Without help from Bosma, we couldn’t have afforded some of the devices they provided, especially with the cost of living these days.”
Evelyn Sue concluded, “Amy was a godsend. I can honestly say she brought me out of my depression and gave me the confidence I needed to be myself again.”