Volunteering with Bosma

During the last couple of months, Bosma volunteers have been vital in helping us with various activities ranging from landscaping to making calls to seniors. With your help, we have recorded over 1,000 volunteer hours and introduced 166 new volunteers to Bosma. With you, our volunteers, we can take newly blinded clients to outings like the State Fair or trips to the zoo. Our wonderful Schwab volunteers recently took several of our rehab clients out bowling. This was a fun-filled day, and the clients enjoyed their time at the bowling alley.
I also want to thank our amazing volunteers from MedExcel for helping beautify the grounds at Bosma's Corporate Drive Headquarters. Our senior connections volunteers have also been delivering life-changing services to seniors over the phone, helping them stay connected by engaging them with trivia games, socialization and more.
As Indiana's largest employer of people who are blind and the state's only comprehensive rehabilitation program for adults experiencing vision loss, Bosma often depends on our volunteers to provide employees and clients with new and exciting opportunities often thought impossible after vision loss.
Volunteering at Bosma allows individuals to dedicate their time and talents to a meaningful cause. Thus, helping boost the confidence of newly blinded clients attending Bosma's Center for Visionary Solutions.
When you volunteer at Bosma, you are volunteering essential help to a worthwhile cause, people who are blind and the broader community. Doing good for others and the community helps create a natural sense of accomplishment, and volunteering can also give you a sense of pride and identity. Ultimately, helping others will lift your self-confidence by taking you out of your comfort zone.
While it's true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you'll experience, volunteering doesn't have to involve a long-term commitment or take a lot of time out of your busy day. If you or a group of your friends, family or co-workers would like to volunteer, contact Ray Montgomery at raymondm@bosma.org.